On the brighter side of this dark day, at least we have semi trucks that run on “HTML5 supercomputers”:
But the Nikola truck is more than just a fuel cell vehicle; it’s a rolling super computer. One of the key elements of Nikola’s advanced system is the Bosch Vehicle Control Unit, which provides higher computing power for advanced functions while reducing the number of standalone units.
“The entire infotainment system is a HTML 5 super computer,” Milton said. “That’s the standard language for computer programmers around the world, so using it let’s us build our own chips. And HTML 5 is very secure. Every component is linked on the data network, all speaking the same language. It’s not a bunch of separate systems that somehow still manage to communicate.”
– Trevor Milton, CEO of Nikola, a publicly traded company valued in the tens of billions of dollars and currently being investigated for fraud
I understand all the WORDS in that quote.. and yet………
// source // h/t Alex Danco